Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wiki's & Blogs, the fun stuff!

Wiki's and Bogs, the fun's started! I had a great time setting up my first Wiki for one of the sporting clubs i am involved with. The first thing that struck me was how easy it was to set up and navigate (a little fact; "Wiki" is the Hawaiian word for "fast"). I can't wait to have a play around with it in the coming days. The ease that people can deliver information to each other is amazing. Here is a link to my first Wiki, feel free to take a look, however at the moment it is fairly bare.

The beauty of Wiki's and blogs are they really do relate directly to Kearsley and Schneiderman Engagement Theory article in which they use the "relate, create, donate" theory. I can see how they can be a great tool to use if students are doing group assignments and need to collaborate work.

Marzano & Pickering (2006) state as part of Dimension 1 (Attitudes Perceptions), students should perceive tasks as valuable and interesting as this will help them develop positive attitudes and perceptions about classroom tasks. Now, i would like to think that i am fairly up to date with technology and thought the ICT applications in this course might be somewhat 'simple' However I am really enjoying discovering the new applications that are so easy to use yet brilliant, far from 'simple'. In my learning experience Wiki's, Blogs, all very much "valuable and interesting".

Below is a video which i viewed on another GDLT student blog (sorry for stealing it Chloe). If you have watched it on Chloe's blog it is worth a look.


Kearsley G and Schneiderman B. (1998) Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick,

    Its fine you have copied this. My mum has alway told me that someone copying you is the highest compliment you can receive! I liked your little interesting fact that 'Wiki' translates to 'fast', knowing this I think that the term Wiki is highly appropriate. Interaction with others on a Wiki pages is fast, easy and most importantly effective. It cuts out the middle man and it allows (in an educational context) for more productive learning and interaction. I too cannot wait to incorporate Wiki's and Blogs into my teaching.

    GDLT Fulltime
