Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Music can bring such a great feel to the classroom. It can enhance many learning experiences by helping engage the learners. A perfect example which relates directly to the Engagement Theory, would be the use of music when completing multimedia projects (i.e. video presentations, slidshows....). Another example is to play music during a class reading/play/dance activity to set the mood and encourage creative thinking. This would be a great way to hook students into a lesson on creative writing or thinking. Music can set moods in the classroom and could also be used as a behaviour management strategy (i.e. for students with high anger that may need to calm down).

INCOMPETECH is a sight that holds royalty-free music and can be used freely in the classroom. The site hosts a large supply of music which is catergorised effectively into sections, either by genre or feel.

I have downloaded one of the music files from INCOMPETECH and have placed it below, imagine using this for creative dance class!

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