Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The world of Voki's

Voki's are so much fun!! As teachers we must engage our students and to do so we must have a 'hook' to make sure our learners are engaged in the topic at hand. Voki's can be very useful in the learning environment, and can be used n a variety of ways. A couple of examples off the top of my head would include:

1. Introducing a topic (i.e. Welcome to our first lesson on inventions...)
2. Reading of a children's book / Storytelling
3. Interactive Maths Problems (i.e. If i have 10 apples and i sell 4 at $2.50 each, how much money do i have, and how much more money can i make?)

Again the beauty of this technology is its ease to use. To set up an account, create a Voki and then publish it takes very little time. Best of all, they are fun and engaging.

To set up your own free Voki account follow this link.

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