Monday, April 26, 2010

Video Hosting Websites

Youtube & other forms of video hosting sites such as Teachertube are a great resource and i believe it is underused in many professional areas, such as education. Teachertube has positioned itself as a 'safe' teacher resource as students will not be exposed to the wide variety of postings; they include strict guidelines for uploads. Although Teachertube report constant screening of videos i still believe caution is needed.

Youtube and Teachertube open up a world of ready made teaching aids. Whether planning a lesson or finding an on the spot video relating to the topic at hand in the classroom, both of these video hosting sites have a huge pool of information for students. Another advantage is that the videos can be easily embedded into wiki's or blogs.

Youtube & Videotube are another great technological tool that will engage students. Being able to show actual footage of an event, animal, person........ as everyone knows, if it happened, it will be on Youtube. To be able to bring that pool of information into the classroom is exciting and can be used for any topic. I have already seen the use of Youtube in my classroom. While discussing the upcoming Anzac Parade a student asked "What is the last post?". After a brief explanation of its origins the students were then also able to see actual footage of the last post being played at Gallipoli, which i have attached below.

1 comment:

  1. Hey again Nick,

    I love the video you posted. My prac at the moment is totally focused on ANZAC day and I am going to employ some ANZAC day picture books for lesson plans.

    I agree that lesson plans are a great source for lesson planning, I like the way you can adopt them for hooks or just some filler time for the younger grades so they can be exposed to a few different mediums.
