Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week 1 - What is Learning Management & Why is it Different

Week 1, it's begun! The learning journey begins with the concepts of; the knowledge economy, socioeconomic implications for learners and pedagogy. There were a couple of key learning experiences that I took from week 1 that I would like to share.

Firstly, I would like to share a quote that I picked out of one of the readings. This single quote for me, started my thought process about what a teacher really is and is kind of a useful motto for me. "Education Queensland's vision is that teachers are no longer gatekeepers of knowledge but 'managers of the learning experiences of children". (Smith, 2000)

The second learning experience I would like to share is the video by Heather McTaggart. I really enjoyed watching and reflecting about the comments she made
regarding social capital and family values in today's children.

The comments i made regarding the video were: 'I do agree with the statements made by Heather McTaggart. I agree that the disintegration of social capital and family values has hindered the learning experience for some. However, in terms of the capacity to learn, I think that to an extent it has now been replaced by the opportunity to learn using many different tools, mainly those introduced through the advancement of technology (social networking, internet, TV). I think it puts more pressure on teachers to become more of a caretaker than a teacher as students are continually missing out on the relationships that in the past, they have built at home with their parents or grandparents'.


Smith, R. (2000) 'The future of teacher education: principles and prospects',
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 28(1), pp.7-28.

1 comment:

  1. In the first week of the GDLT course and viewing Heather McTaggarts video I had strong beliefs that our communities were lacking social capital. After evaluating my thoughts I now think that maybe teaching pedagogies and ICT's for learning have maybe struggled to keep up with an evolving and diverse community? To an extent social capital has changed, and personally I believe that we as teachers need to evolve with these changes.

    Good Blog Nick.
